Through the art of storytelling, education and life experience, Matthew Brickman, President of iMediate Inc. and a Florida Supreme Court Certified Mediator along with his co-host Sydney Mitchell discuss mediation as well as conflict resolution & negotiations skills. Gain the knowledge necessary to negotiate your own agreement that will provide you hope and peace in your own divorce or paternity case.
Child support is only a baseline. Matthew Brickman and Sydney Mitchell discuss how additional medical expenses are split among two parties in Mediation Agreements for Divorce and Paternity during mediation.
Child support is only a baseline. Matthew Brickman and Sydney Mitchell discuss how additional child support expenses are negotiated and split among two parties in Mediation Agreements for Divorce & Paternity and what happens when one party fails to pay.
It is commonly misunderstood that child support is simply calculated as a percentage of income but this is in fact incorrect. Matthew Brickman and Sydney Mitchell break down all the components that go into calculating child support as Matthew breaks down the P.E.A.C.E. acronym.
In Mediate This! Matthew Brickman and Sydney Mitchell address all of your issues, questions and concerns regarding divorce, paternity, alimony and child custody (now known as timesharing). In this episode we discuss child custody which is now known as timesharing.
In this episode Matthew Brickman and Sydney Mitchell cover lifetime alimony and spousal support after a long marriage that ends in divorce. They also explore what happens when a divorced spouse is paying alimony and the recipient gets remarried.
In this episode Matthew Brickman and Sydney Mitchell cover how a business and its assets may be split during a divorce and how the value of a business started during a marriage is determined. Matthew and Sydney address all of your issues, questions and concerns regarding divorce.
Matthew Brickman and Sydney Mitchell discuss how yearly timesharing can be split evenly for children raised in separate households. Learn how the choices made for the child’s entire childhood are handled in a parenting plan.
Matthew Brickman and Sydney Mitchell talk about arrangements for transportation and exchange for children raised in separate households. Learn how the choices made for the child’s entire childhood are handled in a parenting plan.
In this episode Matthew Brickman and Sydney Mitchell talk about how arrangements for transportation and exchange for children raised in separate households are handled in a parenting plan.
In this bonus episode Matthew Brickman and Sydney Mitchell answer your questions emailed into the show regarding mediation, divorce and paternity. In this episode we cover what a spouse may be entitled to regarding retirement funds.