Attorney Rebecca Palmer: Correlation Between Divorce & Later Psychological Problems
Matthew Brickman in a farewell episode to Sydney Mitchell, former co-host of the MediateThis! Podcast. Matthew Brickman is still here to answer your most frequently asked questions about divorce as he goes over several key points.
Matthew Brickman and Dana Casperson Reveal How To Find Your Power In Mediation & Negotiation
Matthew Brickman in a farewell episode to Sydney Mitchell, former co-host of the MediateThis! Podcast. Matthew Brickman is still here to answer your most frequently asked questions about divorce as he goes over several key points.
Dana Casperson: Conflict Engagement Specialist, Best-Selling Author, TEDx speaker, Award-Winning Performing Artist
Matthew Brickman in a farewell episode to Sydney Mitchell, former co-host of the MediateThis! Podcast. Matthew Brickman is still here to answer your most frequently asked questions about divorce as he goes over several key points.
Can Domestic Violence Affect My Divorce or Paternity Case?
Matthew Brickman in a farewell episode to Sydney Mitchell, former co-host of the MediateThis! Podcast. Matthew Brickman is still here to answer your most frequently asked questions about divorce as he goes over several key points.
These Are The Terms Missing From Your Contract
Matthew Brickman in a farewell episode to Sydney Mitchell, former co-host of the MediateThis! Podcast. Matthew Brickman is still here to answer your most frequently asked questions about divorce as he goes over several key points.
Help! My Spouse and I Disagree on The Best Interest of our Children
Matthew Brickman in a farewell episode to Sydney Mitchell, former co-host of the MediateThis! Podcast. Matthew Brickman is still here to answer your most frequently asked questions about divorce as he goes over several key points.
Divorce Rules for Introducing New Partners
Matthew Brickman in a farewell episode to Sydney Mitchell, former co-host of the MediateThis! Podcast. Matthew Brickman is still here to answer your most frequently asked questions about divorce as he goes over several key points.
Do I Still Pay Alimony If I Lose My Job?
Matthew Brickman in a farewell episode to Sydney Mitchell, former co-host of the MediateThis! Podcast. Matthew Brickman is still here to answer your most frequently asked questions about divorce as he goes over several key points.
Can I Bring A Court Reporter to Mediation?
Matthew Brickman in a farewell episode to Sydney Mitchell, former co-host of the MediateThis! Podcast. Matthew Brickman is still here to answer your most frequently asked questions about divorce as he goes over several key points.
How Are Life Insurance Policies And Wills Affected By A Divorce?
Matthew Brickman in a farewell episode to Sydney Mitchell, former co-host of the MediateThis! Podcast. Matthew Brickman is still here to answer your most frequently asked questions about divorce as he goes over several key points.
My Name is On The House Can I Change The Locks? (DIVORCE)
Matthew Brickman in a farewell episode to Sydney Mitchell, former co-host of the MediateThis! Podcast. Matthew Brickman is still here to answer your most frequently asked questions about divorce as he goes over several key points.
Farewell Sydney
Matthew Brickman in a farewell episode to Sydney Mitchell, former co-host of the MediateThis! Podcast. Matthew Brickman is still here to answer your most frequently asked questions about divorce as he goes over several key points.
Has Divorce in Modern Times Become Tougher on Mothers or Fathers?
A listener writes in and asks, “Matthew, What can and what cannot be mediated?” Matthew Brickman answers your most frequently asked questions about divorce as he goes over several key points.
Can A Divorce Attorney Guarantee A Win?
A listener writes in and asks, “Matthew, What can and what cannot be mediated?” Matthew Brickman answers your most frequently asked questions about divorce as he goes over several key points.
Kim Hudson: Author of The Bridge – Connecting The Powers of Linear And Circular Thinking
Matthew Brickman provides a complete A-Z walkthrough of how the iMediate Inc. Mediation Process works for online mediation for matters in divorce, paternity, parental rights, child support, timesharing, alimony, and business and family disputes of all kinds.
A Complete A-Z Walkthrough of The iMediate Inc Mediation Process
Matthew Brickman provides a complete A-Z walkthrough of how the iMediate Inc. Mediation Process works for online mediation for matters in divorce, paternity, parental rights, child support, timesharing, alimony, and business and family disputes of all kinds.
What Can And Cant Be Mediated
A listener writes in and asks, “Matthew, What can and what cannot be mediated?” Matthew Brickman answers your most frequently asked questions about divorce as he goes over several key points.
Online Mediation Vs In-Person Mediation in 2024
A listener writes in and asks, “Matthew, What are the benefits of online mediation vs in-person now that we’re in 2024 post-covid and why should I choose virtual?” Matthew Brickman answers your most frequently asked questions about divorce as he goes over several key points.
Are There Hidden Players At Your Mediation?
A listener writes in and asks, “Are there hidden players at my mediation unknown to me?” Matthew Brickman answers your most frequently asked questions about divorce as he goes over several key points.
What Are the Implications of Parental Kidnapping Both During and Post-Divorce?
In 2023, there were a number of changes in the State of Florida in regard to almost everything under the umbrella of parenting. Matthew Brickman and family law attorney and mediator Rebecca Palmer Esq. deep-dive into these changes, what’s good, what’s not so good about them and how they might affect YOU.
Will The Cost of Divorce Rise With Inflation?
In 2023, there were a number of changes in the State of Florida in regard to almost everything under the umbrella of parenting. Matthew Brickman and family law attorney and mediator Rebecca Palmer Esq. deep-dive into these changes, what’s good, what’s not so good about them and how they might affect YOU.
If I’m Laid Off Do I Still Have to Pay Alimony While Waiting For a Modification?
In 2023, there were a number of changes in the State of Florida in regard to almost everything under the umbrella of parenting. Matthew Brickman and family law attorney and mediator Rebecca Palmer Esq. deep-dive into these changes, what’s good, what’s not so good about them and how they might affect YOU.
Conversation With Rebecca Palmer Esq. On Law Changes in Parenting, Paternity and Timesharing
In 2023, there were a number of changes in the State of Florida in regard to almost everything under the umbrella of parenting. Matthew Brickman and family law attorney and mediator Rebecca Palmer Esq. deep-dive into these changes, what’s good, what’s not so good about them and how they might affect YOU.
Conversation With Rebecca Palmer Esq. On Current Divorce Trends
Ginger Gentile is best known for directing “Erasing Family”, which exposes the trauma children suffer when a loving parent is erased from their lives after divorce, a problem facing 22 million families in the US alone. The film was made after a nearly half a million crowdfunding campaign and is currently streaming. Ginger has also been a guest on Red Table Talk. Prior work includes directing “Erasing Dad” (Borrando a Papá) and Goals for Girls: A story of Women with Balls (Mujeres con Pelotas). Both are feature documentaries that focus on gender stereotypes and “Erasing” was the most talked about documentary in Argentina, the country of its production, in 2014 and made front page news as attempts were made to censor it.
Interview with Ginger Gentile – Director of Erasing Family – Part 2
Ginger Gentile is best known for directing “Erasing Family”, which exposes the trauma children suffer when a loving parent is erased from their lives after divorce, a problem facing 22 million families in the US alone. The film was made after a nearly half a million crowdfunding campaign and is currently streaming. Ginger has also been a guest on Red Table Talk. Prior work includes directing “Erasing Dad” (Borrando a Papá) and Goals for Girls: A story of Women with Balls (Mujeres con Pelotas). Both are feature documentaries that focus on gender stereotypes and “Erasing” was the most talked about documentary in Argentina, the country of its production, in 2014 and made front page news as attempts were made to censor it.
Interview with Ginger Gentile – Director of Erasing Family – Part 1
Ginger Gentile is best known for directing “Erasing Family”, which exposes the trauma children suffer when a loving parent is erased from their lives after divorce, a problem facing 22 million families in the US alone. The film was made after a nearly half a million crowdfunding campaign and is currently streaming. Ginger has also been a guest on Red Table Talk. Prior work includes directing “Erasing Dad” (Borrando a Papá) and Goals for Girls: A story of Women with Balls (Mujeres con Pelotas). Both are feature documentaries that focus on gender stereotypes and “Erasing” was the most talked about documentary in Argentina, the country of its production, in 2014 and made front page news as attempts were made to censor it.
Interview with CiCi Van Tine – Is My Valentine a Narcissist?
Carolyn “CiCi” Van Tine is a compassionate advisor and tenacious litigator with nearly 30 years of experience. CiCi’s practice is dedicated to all aspects of family law matters, including divorce, separation, custody, parenting plans, child support, alimony, asset division, pre- and post-nuptial agreements, parental relocation, paternity, modification, probate litigation, restraining orders and grandparents’ rights.
The Current Process of DIY Divorce and Paternity Action in Florida
A listener writes in and asks, “What is the current process for DIY Divorce and DIY Paternity Action in the State of Florida?” Matthew Brickman answers your most frequently asked questions about divorce as he goes over several key points.
WAKE UP – It’s Time!
Family Law & Divorce Mediator Matthew Brickman explains how seemingly small decisions we make in our lives can have a ripple effect on something much larger and how this correlates to our everyday lives. He references the 2004 film The Butterfly Effect to illustrate this concept.
The Ins and Outs of a Qualified Domestic Relations Order QDRO
A listener writes in and asks, “What are the aspects of a QDRO that I need to know? Is this always court ordered or can one spouse initiate it?” Matthew Brickman answers your most frequently asked questions about divorce as he goes over several key points.
Do I Have An Advantage If I Initiate The Divorce?
A listener writes in and asks, “Does the person who initiates a divorce bear any other advantage aside from that they may be better prepared?” Matthew Brickman answers your most frequently asked questions about divorce as he goes over several key points.
Matthew Brickman Interviews Keld Jensen – Author of Negotiation Essentials
Keld Jensen is a master negotiator having negotiated internationally for global organizations, associate professor at four Universities, a keynote speaker, the author of 25 books including his newest release – Negotiation Essentials
Matthew Brickman Interviews Keld Jensen – Author of Negotiation Essentials
Keld Jensen is a master negotiator having negotiated internationally for global organizations, associate professor at four Universities, a keynote speaker, the author of 25 books including his newest release – Negotiation Essentials
Matthew Brickman Interviews Lawrence Joss of Parental Alienation Anonymous Inc. (
Marc E. Fitzgerald handles all aspects of domestic relations, equity matters and probate litigation, including divorce, custody, modification actions, child support, alimony, paternity, guardianship, adoption, pre- and postnuptial agreements, de facto parenting, and will contests. Matthew Brickman speaks to Marc about his experience in domestic relations and his unique approach to conflict resolution.
Matthew Brickman Interviews Casner & Edwards Family Law Partner Marc Fitzgerald
Marc E. Fitzgerald handles all aspects of domestic relations, equity matters and probate litigation, including divorce, custody, modification actions, child support, alimony, paternity, guardianship, adoption, pre- and postnuptial agreements, de facto parenting, and will contests. Matthew Brickman speaks to Marc about his experience in domestic relations and his unique approach to conflict resolution.
Matthew Brickman Interviews Stan Tatkin Developer Of The Psychobiological Approach to Couple Therapy® (PACT)
Dr. Stan Tatkin is a clinician, teacher and author who has integrated neuroscience, attachment therapy and current therapies and is a developer, along with his wife, of the Psychobiological Approach to Couple Therapy® (PACT) which is taught through their institute to train other psychotherapists in this methodology. Matthew Brickman speaks to Dr. Tatkin about his new book and his unique approach to couple’s therapy as it pertains to conflict resolution.
In the State of Florida House Bill 775 Changes Paternity Forever
House Bill 775 relates to the Shared Parental Responsibility after Establishment of Paternity which makes significant changes to paternity in Florida. Matthew Brickman updates you how these changes impact your parental obligations while he answers your most frequently asked questions about divorce as he goes over several key points.
Florida Kidcare Insurance Update for 2023
The after multiple attempts, year after year, Alimony Reform has finally been signed by the governor in the State of Florida. There is no more permanent alimony in Florida. Matthew Brickman updates you on how this has come to pass and what options are left for alimony while he answers your most frequently asked questions about divorce as he goes over several key points.
No More Permanent Alimony: The Alimony Reform Bill Was Finally Passed In Florida
The after multiple attempts, year after year, Alimony Reform has finally been signed by the governor in the State of Florida. There is no more permanent alimony in Florida. Matthew Brickman updates you on how this has come to pass and what options are left for alimony while he answers your most frequently asked questions about divorce as he goes over several key points.
2023 Update: New Laws For Florida Timesharing (Formerly Called Visitation)
There are new laws governing timesharing in Florida, which was formerly referred to as child visitation. Matthew Brickman updates you on the new laws affecting divorce and paternity while he answers your most frequently asked questions about divorce as he goes over several key points.
Susan Chestnutt interviews Matthew Brickman: Marriage, Parenting, Relationships are a Business
Matthew Brickman is interviewed by Susan Chestnutt of The Chestnutt Law Firm on her podcast From Foster Care to Family Law: A Child Welfare Focus to discuss his passion for mediation and family law with some insightful tips for parents and divorcing couples.
Susan Chestnutt interviews Matthew Brickman: Marriage, Parenting, Relationships are a Business
Matthew Brickman is interviewed by Susan Chestnutt of The Chestnutt Law Firm on her podcast From Foster Care to Family Law: A Child Welfare Focus to discuss his passion for mediation and family law with some insightful tips for parents and divorcing couples.
Do You Have An Enforcement Clause In Your Mediation Agreements to Cover Attorney Fees?
A listener writes in and asks, “How do I enforce the other party to cover my attorney fees if they don’t comply with a mediation or parenting agreement?” Matthew Brickman answers your most frequently asked questions about divorce as he goes over several key points.
Can You Lock Yourself Into Non-Modifiable Alimony? (Discussion w/RIO ROCKET)
Matthew Brickman continues the discussion of alimony with Actor, Spokesperson, Musician RIO ROCKET to discuss if its possible to lock yourself into non-modifiable alimony or is it only possible to be awarded by a judge. You’ll be surprised by the answer.
Can The Spouse Who Makes More Money Ever Completely Avoid Spousal Payments (Alimony)?
A listener writes in and asks, “I make alot more than my soon to be ex-wife. Is there anyway I can avoid paying spousal maintenance?” Matthew Brickman answers your most frequently asked questions about divorce as he goes over several key points
Whats the Difference Between Legal Custody Vs Full Custody?
A listener writes in and asks, “What is the difference between legal custody and full custody? Does even custody still exist?” Matthew Brickman answers your most frequently asked questions about divorce as he goes over several key points.
Notice of Related Cases: Know What It Is Before You Step Into A Courtroom
A listener writes in and asks, “What types of cases that Are related to my divorce can be heard in family court?” Matthew Brickman answers your most frequently asked questions about divorce as he goes over several key points.
Interview with Marc Lesser Part II: Author of Seven Practices of a Mindful Leader: Lessons from Google and a Zen Monastery Kitchen
Matthew Brickman continues his conversation with Marc Lesser, Founder and CEO of 3 companies, including the Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute. Mindfulness teacher, executive coach, speaker, and facilitator. Author of 4 books, including “Seven Practices of a Mindful Leader: Lessons from Google and a Zen Monastery Kitchen.”
The Court Ordered A Statement of Net Worth, Can I Refuse?
A listener writes in and asks, “I was ordered by the court to submit a Statement of Net Worth. Can I refuse? How will it affect my divorce case?” Matthew Brickman answers your most frequently asked questions about divorce as he goes over several key points.
Conversation With Rebecca Palmer Esq. The Latest Marriage & Divorce Statistics Will Shock You
Matthew Brickman and family law attorney and mediator Rebecca Palmer Esq. continue their discussion on relationships, divorce and parenting. This discussion on the latest marriage and divorce statistics are shocking and here’s what you can do to prepare yourself.
Conversation With Rebecca Palmer Esq. On Why Its Easy To Get Married, Hard To Get Divorced
Have you ever wondered why it’s so easy to get married but such a difficult process to get divorced? Matthew Brickman and family law attorney and mediator Rebecca Palmer Esq. discuss why this is and why it should be the other way around. They get into prenuptials, postnuptials, and the hard data on marriage and divorce statistics.
Can I Get A Divorce Using A Separation Agreement?
A listener asks, Can I get a divorce using a separation agreeement? Matthew Brickman answers your most frequently asked questions about divorce as he goes over several key points.
The Main Differences Between a Contested Divorce and Uncontested Divorce
Do you know the difference between a contested divorce and an uncontested divorce in your state. Matthew Brickman explains the difference between the two so you don’t get blindsided into your divorce mediation case.
Did I Miss Something? Beating Expectations In Divorce Mediation
Matthew Brickman describes how unexpectedly smooth a mediation can go to the point where the client will sometimes believe that they missed something. Can mediation truly be that groundbreaking or is there more to this?
Did You Know? Every Dollar Of Alimony Reduces Child Support (Discussion w/RIO ROCKET)
Matthew Brickman continues the discussion of alimony with Actor, Spokesperson, Musician RIO ROCKET as the Florida Alimony Reform Bill in the State of Florida continues to stall. Learn the ins and outs of alimony, child support and divorce so that you can walk into your next mediation armed with the knowledge to control your own destiny.
How Need Vs Ability Is Weighed In Determining Alimony. Discussion With RIO ROCKET
Actor, Spokesperson, Musician RIO ROCKET and Matthew Brickman continue their discussion of alimony as the Florida Alimony Reform Bill in the State of Florida continues to stall. They discuss how need versus ability is weighed and create a hypothetical scenario to show how the numbers would actually work out in determining alimony based on these factors.
Can a 17 Year Marriage Result in Nearly 70 Years of Alimony? Discussion With RIO ROCKET
Actor, Spokesperson, Musician RIO ROCKET joins Matthew Brickman to discuss what are the true ramifications of a long-term marriage with no foreseeable resolution to Lifetime Alimony via the Florida Alimony Reform Bill in the State of Florida.
Interview with Andrea Reid Esq: How Florida Alimony Reform Can Be Successful
Topics such as Florida Alimony Reform, Child Support and Spousal Support in Florida are pressing matters. Matthew Brickman and Andrea Reid Esq. discuss how agreements for these matters are negotiated according to Florida’s Income and Poverty Guidelines.
Interview with Andrea Reid Esq on Florida’s Income and Poverty Guidelines in 2022
Topics such as Florida Alimony Reform, Child Support and Spousal Support in Florida are pressing matters. Matthew Brickman and Andrea Reid Esq. discuss how agreements for these matters are negotiated according to Florida’s Income and Poverty Guidelines.
Interview with Andrea Reid Esq on Florida Alimony Reform in 2022
The timeline for alimony reform in the state of Florida is a long, complicated one. Are you going to be paying alimony for a lifetime or is relief just around the corner? Matthew Brickman and Andrea Reid Esq. discuss recent events affecting the Florida Alimony Reform timeline.
Is What Happens in Family Mediation Really Confidential and Private?
A listener asks, What happens when a judge requests a mediator’s files? Is what happens in family mediation really confidential and private? Matthew Brickman and Sydney Mitchell answer your most frequently asked questions about divorce as they go over several key points.
How to End a Toxic Marriage (Safely)
A listener asks, I’m in a toxic marriage where domestic violence in involved. How do I get a divorce without making things worse? Matthew Brickman and Sydney Mitchell answer your most frequently asked questions about divorce as they go over several key points.
In the Case of Infidelity Does the Court Care Anymore?
After a divorce who pays for student loans and a children’s credit cards? Matthew Brickman and Sydney Mitchell answer your most frequently asked questions about divorce as they go over several key points.
In the Case of Infidelity Does the Court Care Anymore?
Do you know if you’re in an at-fault state or not? What are the possible repercussions of committing infidelity if you are? Matthew Brickman and Sydney Mitchell answer your most frequently asked questions about divorce as they go over several key points.
Is Your Spouse Hiding Assets? Yes? But Can You Prove It!
I suspect my spouse is hiding assets or concealing income but can’t prove it, how is this handled in mediation? Matthew Brickman and Sydney Mitchell answer your most frequently asked questions about divorce as they go over several key points.
Are You Looking to Prevent (Contact) or Protect?
Are you looking to prevent or protect? The child is entitled to frequent and continuing contact with both parents, it’s not yours to give. Matthew Brickman and Sydney Mitchell answer your most frequently asked questions about divorce as they go over several key points:
Child Safety: What A Safety-Focused Parenting Plan Looks Like Part II
What happens in a safety-focus parenting plan when new safety issues arise other than those that the plan was created for? Matthew Brickman and Sydney Mitchell answer your most frequently asked questions about divorce as they go over several key points:
Child Safety: What A Safety-Focused Parenting Plan Looks Like Part I
How can parenting plans focus on issues with child safety, absentee parents and a history of drug and alcohol abuse? Matthew Brickman and Sydney Mitchell answer one of their most profound questions about divorce as they go over several key points:
How Does Relocation Work Post-Divorce in a Parenting Plan?
Can I move out of state with my children after a divorce is finalized? Can I move with the children temporarily for work, why or why not? Matthew Brickman and Sydney Mitchell answer your most frequently asked questions about divorce as they go over several key points
Help! I Found Out My Spouse Is Already Married. What Do I Do Now?
Is it possible to marry someone who is married in another state or country? If this happens what recourse do you have after you find out? Matthew Brickman and Sydney Mitchell answer your most frequently asked questions about divorce as they go over several key points.
Is Inheritance Community Property? If Not Then What Is
Community property is the marital pot of assets that are acquired during a marriage and which will also be split in the event of divorce. But is an inheritance and gifts also community property, why or why not?
What Is The Current State of Alimony Reform In Florida?
The timeline for alimony reform in the state of Florida is a long, complicated one. Are you going to be paying alimony for a lifetime or is relief just around the corner?
Division of a Premarital Home: Wanna Keep It? Know This…
So you’re getting a divorce. Do you know what will happen to your property? Don’t just wing it. If you are going through a breakup you need to know how division of one or more premarital homes works or you may have unexpected results.
Division of a Marital Home: Know How It Works Or Else This Happens
So you’re getting a divorce. Do you know what will happen to your property? Don’t just wing it. If you are going through a breakup you need to know how division of one or more marital homes works or you may have unexpected results
Divison of Assets and Liabilities in a Divorce Mediation Agreement
Do you live in a equitable distribution state? That doesn’t mean equal or fair, it means “equitable” – so just what does that mean? Matthew Brickman and Sydney Mitchell answer your most frequently asked questions about divorce as they go over several key points.
We’re Unmarried With Joint Ownership of Assets Do We Need Mediator or Attorney?
What happens when your relationship has all the qualities of a marriage but without the legal sanction? Matthew Brickman and Sydney Mitchell answer your most frequently asked questions about divorce as they go over several key points.
If I Get Divorced Should I Change My Estate Plan?
If I Get Divorced Should I Change My Estate Plan? Do you know when and how often your estate plan, living will, and medical directives should be updated? Matthew Brickman and Sydney Mitchell answer one of their most profound questions about divorce as they go over several key points.
Should You Continue to File Joint Tax Returns Pending a Divorce?
Filing joint tax returns pending a divorce – something that your attorney, accountant or mediator may all be involved with but who makes the final decision on what’s best? Matthew Brickman and Sydney Mitchell answer one of their most profound questions about divorce as they go over several key points:
Can You Change Ownership Of Your Assets Pending A Divorce?
Can You Change Ownership Of Your Assets Pending A Divorce? Matthew Brickman and Sydney Mitchell answer questions about divorce as they go over several key points.
Should a Financial Advisor Be Part of my Divorce Team?
Should a financial advisor or forensic accountant be part of my divorce team? Matthew Brickman and Sydney Mitchell answer questions about divorce as they go over several key points.
I Don’t Want My Divorce Public is it Possible to Seal Divorce Filings?
I don’t want the details of my divorce to be public. Is it possible to seal divorce filings? Matthew Brickman and Sydney Mitchell answer questions about divorce as they go over several key points.
Most Common Reasons for Divorce You Should Know to Protect Your Marriage
What are the most common reasons for a divorce that I should know of to protect my marriage? Matthew Brickman and Sydney Mitchell answer questions about divorce as they go over several key points.
What are Legal Grounds for Divorce? At-Fault vs No-Fault States
Can you get a divorce simply because you want to move on? Well, that all depends. Matthew Brickman and Sydney Mitchell answer questions about divorce as they go over several key points.
What Should I Know Before Getting Married, That I May Not Even Know I Should Know?
Get ready to have your mind blown. Matthew Brickman and Sydney Mitchell answer one of their most profound questions about divorce as they go over several key points.
Matthew Brickman: How My Adult Son and I Worked Through Our Conflict
Last episode Matthew Brickman and Sydney Mitchell answered the question about how to get your adult child to therapy to work on the relationship. This episode is an interview with Matthew and his adult son on how they improved their relationship in therapy after a parenting plan expired.
I Am Estranged From My Daughter, Shes 20, Can You Help Me
In this episode of Mediate This! Matthew Brickman and Sydney Mitchell respond to someone in desperate need of guidance regarding their estranged daughter and how to find a resolution to reunite.
Dr. Peter T. Coleman Discusses How Modern Journalism Created Toxic Polarization
Matthew Brickman and Sydney Mitchell interview esteemed Social-Organizational Psychologist Dr. Peter T. Coleman , author of the book, “The Way Out: How to Overcome Toxic Polarization.”
What Are Child Support Arrears And How Are They Handled?
What happens when someone falls behind in child support? Remember that child support is only a baseline. All those other additional expenses that come along with raising a child can really pile up so Matthew Brickman and Sydney Mitchell discuss solutions to handle arrearages.
Matthew Barach Esq. On How The Pandemic Changed Family Law
Esteemed family law, trial and appellate attorney Matthew P. Barach returned to speak with Matthew Brickman and Sydney Mitchell on how the Covid-19 Pandemic changed Family Law.
Interview with Dr. Peter T. Coleman “The Way Out: How to Overcome Toxic Polarization”
Matthew Brickman and Sydney Mitchell interview esteemed Social-Organizational Psychologist Dr. Peter T. Coleman , author of the book, “The Way Out: How to Overcome Toxic Polarization.”
How to Deal With Unexpected Additional Child Support Expenses
Matthew Brickman and Sydney Mitchell discuss how those who pay child support can economize and manage these additional child support expenses and how they are negotiated and split among two parties in Mediation Agreements for Divorce & Paternity.
Interview with Matthew Barach Esq. on Landmark Family Law Case in MA
Matthew Brickman and Sydney Mitchell interview esteemed family law trial and appellate attorney Matthew P. Barach, whose prestigious career includes winning two landmark family law cases in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
How Are Medical Expenses For the Child Are Handled In a Divorce?
Child support is only a baseline. Matthew Brickman and Sydney Mitchell discuss how additional medical expenses are split among two parties in Mediation Agreements for Divorce and Paternity during mediation.
How Is Your Child Support Amount Calculated?
Child support is only a baseline. Matthew Brickman and Sydney Mitchell discuss how additional child support expenses are negotiated and split among two parties in Mediation Agreements for Divorce & Paternity and what happens when one party fails to pay.
How Is Your Child Support Amount Calculated?
It is commonly misunderstood that child support is simply calculated as a percentage of income but this is in fact incorrect. Matthew Brickman and Sydney Mitchell break down all the components that go into calculating child support as Matthew breaks down the P.E.A.C.E. acronym.
Is it Possible to Get Full Custody of a Child?
In Mediate This! Matthew Brickman and Sydney Mitchell address all of your issues, questions and concerns regarding divorce, paternity, alimony and child custody (now known as timesharing). In this episode we discuss child custody which is now known as timesharing.
26. Do I Have to Pay Alimony or Spousal Support For Life? (BONUS)
In this episode Matthew Brickman and Sydney Mitchell cover lifetime alimony and spousal support after a long marriage that ends in divorce. They also explore what happens when a divorced spouse is paying alimony and the recipient gets remarried.
25. How is a Business Split During a Divorce?
In this episode Matthew Brickman and Sydney Mitchell cover how a business and its assets may be split during a divorce and how the value of a business started during a marriage is determined. Matthew and Sydney address all of your issues, questions and concerns regarding divorce.
24. How is Timesharing Split Evenly With 365 Days in a Year?
Matthew Brickman and Sydney Mitchell discuss how yearly timesharing can be split evenly for children raised in separate households. Learn how the choices made for the child’s entire childhood are handled in a parenting plan.
23. Do I Need Permission to Leave the State or Go Overseas With My Child?
Matthew Brickman and Sydney Mitchell talk about arrangements for transportation and exchange for children raised in separate households. Learn how the choices made for the child’s entire childhood are handled in a parenting plan.
22. How Does Transportation and Exchange of Children Work in a Parenting Plan?
In this episode Matthew Brickman and Sydney Mitchell talk about how arrangements for transportation and exchange for children raised in separate households are handled in a parenting plan.
21. In Divorce Am I entitled to Half of my Spouse’s Retirement? (BONUS)
In this bonus episode Matthew Brickman and Sydney Mitchell answer your questions emailed into the show regarding mediation, divorce and paternity. In this episode we cover what a spouse may be entitled to regarding retirement funds.
20. Creative Options for Handling Holiday Timesharing in a Parenting Plan
Matthew and Sydney talk about distribution of timesharing through the holidays for children raised in separate households. Matthew and Sydney discuss creative options for timesharing in parenting plans.
19. Tools to Successfully Navigate Through Divorce And Paternity In 2021
In the first episode of 2021 Matthew Brickman speaks with longtime friend Kim Benedict who shares her story of her longtime marriage, raising children, separation and then successfully navigating through her divorce and co-parenting.
18. Weekdays & Weekends In a Parenting Plan How Does That Work?
Matthew Brickman and Sydney Mitchell talk about time distribution of weekdays and weekends for children being raised in separate household. Matthew and Sydney discuss how the choices made for timesharing are handled in a parenting plan.
17. Education: Who Chooses The Schools In A Parenting Plan
In this episode Matthew Brickman and Sydney Mitchell talk about education for children being raised in separate household. Matthew and Sydney discusses how the choices made for enrollment in school are handled in a parenting plan.
16. How Does Babysitting Work in a Parenting Plan?
In this episode Matthew Brickman and Sydney Mitchell talk about how babysitting is handled in a parenting plan. Discover how useful parenting plans can be for co-parenting and how they eliminate all the messy legal terms like “custody”, “visitation” and “access.”
15. Mediation Divorce & Paternity Q&A Episode Nov (BONUS)
In November’s bonus episode Matthew Brickman and Sydney Mitchell answer your questions emailed into the show regarding mediation, divorce and paternity. Questions covered deal with divorce with and without an attorney and filing a divorce petition.
14. What is a Parenting Plan and Why You Probably Need One
Matthew Brickman dives into parenting plans and why you probably need one. This useful document eliminates messy legal terms like “custody” and “visitation”, “access” and streamline raising children after separation or divorce.
13. Knowing the Difference Between a Divorce and Paternity Action
Do you have a divorce action on your hands or a paternity action? Matthew Brickman and Sydney Mitchell discuss the difference between a divorce mediation and a paternity mediation and how you can come out on other side of either one much better.
12. How to Never Come Into Mediation Unprepared Again [STORIES]
Don’t go into mediation unprepared and have to live with a result you’re unhappy with. Matthew Brickman and Sydney Mitchell discuss the formula for going into mediation confident, prepared and ready to negotiate your way to a peaceful resolution.
11. Your Mediator Prepares For Your Mediation In Ways You Wouldnt Believe [STORIES]
Matthew Brickman and Sydney Mitchell discuss the preparation process of a mediator, Hear stories of the preparation your mediator puts into mediating your case from the most nonsensical to borderline absurd.
10. Mediation Divorce & Paternity Q&A Episode (BONUS)
In this bonus episode Matthew Brickman and Sydney Mitchell answer your questions emailed into the show regarding mediation, divorce and paternity. Questions covered deal with legal separation and divorce, no-fault and at-fault divorce, and divorce costs.
9. Matthew And His Daughter Cassie Discuss The Struggle Within The Parent Child Relationship (II)
The conclusion of Matthew Brickman and his daughter Cassie’s discussion of the struggle within the Parent-Child Relationship in the circumstances surrounding divorce and separation.
8. Matthew And His Daughter Cassie Discuss The Struggle Within The Parent Child Relationship (I)
Matthew is joined by his daughter Cassie to give their firsthand account of the struggle within the Parent-Child Relationship in the circumstances surrounding divorce and separation.
7. The 4 Stages of a Relationship: Are You in Love or a Power Struggle?
Matthew Brickman and Sydney Mitchell discuss the 4 stages of a relationship as human beings meet and eventually move up the intimacy ladder. By the end of this podcast you’ll know if you are in the friend-zone, in love or in a power struggle.
6. How to Schedule, Setup and Attend a Virtual Mediation Session (BONUS)
In this bonus episode, family mediator Matthew Brickman explains how to setup, schedule and attend a virtual mediation session with iMediate Inc. to mediate your legal matter on our iChat platform from anywhere in the world.
5. How to Use Conflict to Your Advantage Through Negotiation
In his discussion with Sydney Mitchell, Matthew Brickman, a Harvard Law School Negotiation Master Class and Harvard Business School’s Negotiation Mastery program graduate , explains how to use conflict to your advantage through negotiation.
4. How Do You View Conflict? Take The Quiz!
A surprising look at how we view conflict and the way it affects how we approach solving conflict in our lives. Matthew Brickman and Sydney Mitchell give us a series of Quiz Questions that reveal how we relate to conflict, disputes and decision-making. Take the Quiz!
3. Gender Roles: What are they for Men and Women today?
Gender Roles: What is the Tone and Role of the Man and the Woman in the Home today? Do traditional views of the role of mother and role of father in a family still work today? Matthew Brickman and Sydney Mitchell discuss this and more…
2. Conflict Resolution: The 4 D’s of Every Type of Conflict
Conflict Resolution is a way for two or more parties to find a peaceful solution to a dispute. Matthew Brickman and Sydney Mitchell explain the 4 D’s within every conflict for those seeking the most peaceful resolution to the conflict in their life.
1. Matthew and Sydney’s Experiences with Conflict & Divorce
Matthew Brickman and Sydney Mitchell tell their separate personal stories and experiences with divorce and conflict. Both unique and completely different but yet share the common subject of conflict as they offer us their insight.
0. Mediate This! An Introduction to Peaceful Conflict Resolution
I’m so excited to speak with you on the subject of mediation through the Mediate This! podcast. I am a certified conflict resolution specialist who through mediation empowers people who are experiencing fear and chaos to find hope and peace.
Online Coparenting Course
For divorcing couples with minor children
Florida Divorce Guides
Guides to a Speedy Divorce & Paternity Action
You’re Not the Only One
The Agony of Divorce: The Joy of Peaceful Resolution